Thursday, February 9, 2017


I'm going to stop attributing all the bad shit that's happening to Trump; the attribution belongs to the Republican party who created Trump and seem content to live with him no matter how far he strays from the constitution.

-Okay.  First off, Republicans are freaking out about Supreme nominee Gorsuch's (Is that the same Gorsuch as the store in Vail?) reaction to the tweets discrediting a federal judge, a federal judge, we should be reminded, who was appointed by George W. Bush and who happens to be a Republican.  The leader of the Republican Party, Donald Trump, said that Senator Blumenthal, "who never fought in Viet Nam and said he did, now misrepresents what Gorsuch told him."  It is true that years ago Blumenthal, like a complete idiot, lied about his service in Nam.  When discovered in the lie, he apologized to the nation.  I'm still waiting for the leader of the Republican Party to do the same.  It is also true that Gorsuch's aids confirmed Blumenthal's account and went on to say that Gorsuch was quite passionate about his reaction.  I especially like the part where the leader of the Republican Party, the same party that refused to even talk to Obama's Supreme nominee, lamented the politics involved at the judicial level.  For Republicans to decry politics in the judiciary is yet another example of hypocrisy guaranteed to take your breath away.

-A contrite Sean Spicer said that he really meant Orlando when he talked about terror attacks in Atlanta.  Okay.  Sounds reasonable.  I mean, both words have three syllables and start and end with vowels.

-Steph Curry, Underarmor's biggest endorser, is upset with his sponsor.  When Underarmor's CEO said that Trump was an "asset to our country," Curry said he agreed if you took the "et" off the word asset.  Curry hinted that if he wasn't satisfied with the CEO's explanation of his company's endorsement of Trump, Underall might end up with one less star in its stable.

-Finally, has anyone ever seen anything more inappropriate than the President of the United States getting mad at a clothing retailer.  Evidently, Nordstrom is anti-American because it decided to discontinue a clothing line that nobody bought.  The First Daughter was informed of their decision in early January, before the immigration ban.  They, along with T.J. Max and a few others, are just trying to follow sound business practices.  Come on all you Republicans.  I thought we were supposed to genuflect whenever the name of business was invoked.  If using Presidential clout to intimidate a private business that was mean to your daughter does not define an impeachable conflict of interest than nothing does.  Of course, the problem is that Republicans in Congress would never allow impeachment proceedings to start.  They only have one concern:  The Republican Agenda.  And what is the Republican Agenda?  They only have one item.  Cut taxes on the wealthy.  You know the old saying that if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.  That's where Republicans are, but their only tool is a tax cut.  The party is their only consideration; the rest of the country be damned.

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