Wednesday, February 15, 2017


-The Flynn resignation is a harbinger of things to come.  Spicer will be next.  Then Conway.  The folks at Breitbart will always be able to find someone other than the leader of the Republican party to throw under the bus.

The thing that is so disturbing about Flynn is the reason for his resignation.  He resigned (read: got fired) because he got caught in a lie, not because he was wrong to violate the Logan Act and approach Russia (of all countries) and talk about lessening sanctions imposed by a sitting administration.  Listen to parts of Trump's tweet storm last night reacting to the NY Times story exposing other Trumpians illegally contacting Russia.

"This Russian connection non-sense is merely at attempt to cover up the many mistakes made in Clinton's losing campaign."  And this:  "Information is being illegally given to the failing NY Times and Washington Post by the NSA and FBI.  Just like in Russia."

And of course there has been a flurry of non-denial denials from Republicans of all descriptions.  It seems that the only characteristic common to Washington Republicans is a lack of backbone.  Paul Ryan doesn't think we need an investigation.  Rand Paul, in an uncharacteristic moment of truth, said that it would be stupid for Republicans to investigate fellow Republicans.  Chafettz, head of House Oversight, has clearly shown no interest in pursuing this issue.

There is a possibility that Republicans colluded with Russia behind the country's back.  I know hypotheticals are bad, but in this case they are unavoidable.  If there was a similar discovery about Clinton staffers (had she won the Presidency), coupled with a national security meeting complete with iPhone flashlights and hovering aids at an unsecured table in a public dining room, she would have been impeached the following day.  Furthermore, she would have been impeached the following day even if both houses of Congress were Democratic.

You have to give the Republican party a little credit here.  Their leader's inability to tell fact from fiction, combined with Republican spinelessness already alluded to here, has created a world where no one can be sure of anything anymore.  Our country has become unmoored and the leader of the Republican party is standing at the helm with no clue what to do next.

-In response to all this, guess what Russia did?  They deployed a cruise missile.  Putin had repeatedly attempted exactly the same deployment while Obama was in the White House.  Obama out maneuvered him and it never happened.  Now, while reassured by his apparent unfettered contact with the administration, Putin finally gets to deploy his weapon.  He knows Trump will probably end up applauding the move as tough and decisive.

-Here is some good news for the leader of the Republicans.  After years of wrangling with China, all of the Chinese products illegally using Trump's brand to insure popularity, will now have to give Trump the rights to the products.  This sounds like China trying to curry favor with the new administration (read: treason).  Among the products that will now carry Trump's name legally are toilets (great toilets) and condoms.  Seems fitting.

-It is interesting that the White House is still not open for tours.  I guess they don't want to subject innocent citizens to complete chaos.

-Finally, here is Hannity's tweeted question  of the day:  "Do you think the left is trying to destroy the Trump presidency.?"

Sean, get a grip.  Trump needs no help in destroying his presidency.  He is doing a bang up job of it all by himself.  Sad

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