Thursday, February 16, 2017


-Puzder withdrew his name from consideration for labor secretary ostensibly because he employed illegals in his home and didn't pay taxes on their wages.  Of course, another reason might be the accusations of spousal abuse his former wife told Oprah about.  I find it the height of something or other that the same man who wants to have "extreme" vetting (whatever that means) for immigrants doesn't bother to vet his cabinet appointments.  Could this be another example of incompetence in the White House?

-In the interest of being fair and balanced, I will have to say I approve of the defense secretary's insistence that other big NATO countries cough up 2% of their GDP just the way the US does.  Seems fair.

-I think BeBe and Putin and the leader of the Republican party are going to start having monthly sleepovers.  They just seem to have such a good time congratulating each other.  In the spirit of this bromance, Trump has suggested that he might back off on the Two State solution in Palestine.  I think he and Netanyahu are the only two people in the world who think a One State solution would be possible.  Trump said he would be in favor of any agreement both sides liked.  Oh really!  Spoken like a true diplomat.  Why hasn't anybody else ever thought of getting an agreement that both sides liked?

-Finally, I watched a little bit of the presser this morning while I was cleaning the kitchen floor.  He said that one reason his transition might appear rough is that he inherited a mess from Obama.  On the contrary, he inherited a country with low unemployment, a strong stock market, and respect from the world community.  It has taken the leader of the Republican party four weeks to erode the world's respect; there will be more erosion to follow.

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