Sunday, December 24, 2006

Writing Petrarchan Style: An Encouragement to My Students

A Petrarchan sonnet's easy if you simply
Try to do it. First you find a rhyme
For "simply" up above. Then take some time
To find a word more elegant than "pimply."
Perhaps a choice more tasteful would be dimply?
To scan the poem the words will have to chime.
Can't get the sound? Just make your first draft crimply.

Five iambs comprise each line you write.
Syllabic counters will discover ten.
But just between the two of us, who's counting?
Avoid word choices commonplace and trite.
Don't stress too much on counting, please, my friend.
Who cares? It's just a grade. The pressure's mounting.

- James D. Starkey

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