Sunday, December 17, 2006

Some poetry from a retired teacher...

(I haven't actually told my dad about the blog yet, but I think it's appropriate to give his newfound readers a taste of what they're about to enjoy when he finally learns of this new responsibility.)


I scan the papers every day

To see what pundits have to say.

There's Krugman writing for the Times

And Calvin Trillin's pithy rhymes.

I even read the right wing cant

Like Ann Coulter's latest rant,

The Wall Street Journal's op-ed page,

Tancredo's xenophobic rage.

I've read the books, more than a few;

Today's issues they're apt to skew.

Molly Ivins has a lot to say

And Richard Clark has had his day.

The documentaries with their bile

Expose administrative guile.

Thus Michael Moore has earned his fame,

But next to Greenwald he seems tame.

All these sources get me confused.

I somehow think I'm being used.

-James Starkey

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