Saturday, December 23, 2006

In the Penal Colony: Administering State Achievement Tests

I like the feel of this moment.
Twenty-three kids at
Twenty-three desks bend
Twenty-three heads over
Twenty-three tests.

We are busily leaving no child behind.

Except for the boy at the back of the room,
Tapping his pencil on his left ear,
Waiting for an answer to come.

Except for the boy - fourth from the back -
Wrinkling his brow,
Looking around,
Worried he won't get through.

And I'm up here in front,
A copy of "Metamorphosis" by my side,
Preparing for my senior class.

Kafka would appreciate the texture of this
And maybe he'd write
One of those paragraph long haikus of his
About "The Way Home,"
Or "Absently Gazing Out"
That would crystallize
This moment in a phrase
And send a burst of light
Crashing through the room.

James D. Starkey

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