Wednesday, February 3, 2010

K. Starkey's List #4: Epiphanies After a Nasty Sprained Ankle

Katherine here.

Last Friday (about 5:30 AM) I went upstairs and grabbed something for the gym and headed back downstairs to head to the Y. I missed a step and fell down the stairs, landed on my left ankle and rolled it. I screamed and cried and it hurt a lot. Since then I've realized a lot of stuff. Here goes:

1. When you are hobbling around with a cane or a big black boot, people don't ask how you are. Mostly people ask if you swore or used swear words when you fell. I didn't.
2. I've learned I use swear words for dramatic effect. "Fuck" and its various other derivations would be my favorite. I don't use swear words often, but I do use them. I think it odd that all folks would approve of their use when injured, but not otherwise.
3. I don't think I've ever heard Chris swear. I have heard Nate and Franny swear. Is Chris more careful or does he actually not use them? He's a dad with small kids now too and that does rein the swear words in. I didn't swear when the kids were little--I said things like, "I've just fallen down the stairs and hurt my ankle and it is very, very, very painful."
4. I've said "Poor Uncle Wiggly to myself a lot." See Nine Stories.
5. Mobility is everything. I hated resting on the sofa for several days. I have decided I hate ads with talking babies and there are just too many references to cancer (constant reminders that I've been sick and could be again).
6. Avoid high schools during passing periods when you're mobility is limited.
7. It's both good and bad to have a visible sign of your wound. If you do, people stare, but understand that you are hurt. If you don't (the black boot was under my jeans), people stare and probably believe your weird gait is something you must live with. Either way, people will stare at you.
8. It's hard to look good with a sprained ankle. The only shoes I have that I can get on over the boot are crocs. I've been done with crocs for some time now. I don't know when I'll be able to get my cowboy boots on again and I love my cowboy boots (unless it's snowing).

That's it. Enjoy your mobility.

1 comment:

Karin (an alien parisienne) said...

"Enjoy your mobility. Heh!! Here's the funny thing: on Tuesday night I was carrying our trash to the bins on the ground floor. I slipped on the last stair, and my ankle twisted under me. I messed it up pretty badly. I have iced it, it has been wrapped since yesterday, and the swelling is starting to go down, but I can empathize. I am hobbling everywhere, in Crocs, ha! :) I have not ventured outside, yet, but when I do it's going to be in the knock-off Uggs from Old Navy next, methinks. A cane sounds like a marvelous idea!

The other funny thing is that the first word out of my mouth after I let out a wail (kind of a "weeeeooo!") were a few "fucks." I was doing so fairly loudly, but was thinking that no one was going to understand what I was saying, so it really didn't matter. :) They came out as a matter of course; I don't think I could have held back if I tried.

I am supposed to take the subway and then a train to go to the airport on Monday to fly to see Ms. Janet Davis in the south of France. Carrying a suitcase. *sigh* While the "south of France" and "Janet" parts are buoying me up, I'm not too thrilled at the awkwardness and pain this could involve. I might have to take a taxi, which I would like to avoid (expensive). I'm psyching up for it, and I have a dry run coming up this weekend to see how it goes.

I just want you to know I get it.

Empathetically yours,