Monday, November 9, 2009

Shifting Gears

My daughter set up this blog for me as a Christmas present the same year she and her mother bought me a very expensive classical guitar as a joint present. I was thrilled and that first year was characterized. Strike that. That first month was characterized by diligent poetry postings and daily practice sessions on my guitar. I was getting particularly good at C scales in all their variations.

But then things changed. I started working more regularly as a handyman. It was hard to tile floors and frame basements and still keep my nails long enough to play. It least that was and is the rationalization I used back then to explain away my diminished interest in both this blog and that guitar.

Isn't it interesting how things change again and again. I'm not "handymanning" as much and even though I am having a hard time of thinking of things to write poetry about--I guess I am too happy and complacent to feel compelled to SAY something--I have been working on my guitar recently. I consider that a good sign.

All this rambling is complicated or created or spurred on--I'm not sure which--by the Julie and Julia movie. If you haven't seen it here is a quick recap. It is about a young, married, frustrated writer in NYC who is looking for something worthy of her talents, for something to accomplish on her own. She decides to make every recipe in MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING, Child's masterwork, and write about it every day in a blog. Recipe leads to recipe which leads to one posting and then another. Pretty soon she is getting hits on her blog. She is getting an audience. Publishers find out about it and the rest is pretty much history.

So I'm going to start posting on this thing again, but my wife is going to join in. We are going to talk about what we enjoy the most: Knitting, Cooking, and Dining Out. There will also be some poetry. A short story or two. Some political rants. Time will tell.

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