Sunday, March 8, 2015

Obama's Selma Speech: Bill O'Reilly's Take

"I Was There."

I'm looking forward to checking with MEDIA MATTERS in the next few days to see how the right wing nutjobs manage to spin the President's Selma speech into an anti-American rant.  I mean, if looked at the RIGHT way, there are lots of things to be outraged about.

For instance, Obama "played the race card" again and again.  He managed to talk about the heroism of a young black firebrand like John Lewis and then just a couple of sentences later highlights his own racism by suggesting that the White presence in Selma diluted the power of the message because White people can't' sing!

I can just hear Bill O'Reilly now.  "Look, I was in Selma.  I stood firm on that bridge when I covered the whole thing for FoxNews.  And let me tell you, I know the tune to 'We Shall Overcome,' in fact I'm pretty sure that I'm the one who came up with the lyrics.  I didn't see you there Mr. President, so don't go lecturing me with your revisionist history.  Next thing you'll be talking about Gandhi.  Hey, I was right there in that cell with him when he went on his hunger strike.  I lost forty pounds.  But that's okay, because I've only gained back fifteen."

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