Friday, October 4, 2013


A Parable

I went on line the minute the new iPhone 5s were available.  At first, the site took forever to load and then I kept getting error messages.  When I finally got through and jumped through all the hoops, they told me I would get my new phone in two months.

Two months!

There were only two ways to look at this.  If the incredibly high volume glitching up the site was any indication, then it must be a great device well worth waiting for.  On the other hand, the glitches and two month wait are proof that Apple is incompetent and arrogantly overreaching.  I came to the only conclusion I could and realized that the iPhone 5 as presented by the Apple Corporation is the most insidious technological innovation in the history of man and trashed my forms and went back to my dial phone.  Ma Bell never made me wait!

But even though I was frustrated, I was kind of happy.  The whole experience confirmed my certainty that everything and everyone in the world other than me and the people I hang out with are slowly chipping away at my freedom.  By going back to my dial phone I struck a blow for the kind of liberty our founding fathers were talking about when they couldn't get enough bars to call out of Philadelphia.

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