Friday, June 28, 2013

Of Hard Hats, Habitat for Humanity, and Border Patrol

One of the reasons I've stopped volunteering at Habitat for Humanity work sites, other than the fact I don't look good in a hard hat, is that in those times I did volunteer and show up at the site, there were so many other volunteers (more often than not youth groups) that I found myself looking around for things to do.  I hate standing around waiting for someone to make up something for me to do.  Now, if I volunteer at all, it is at one of the stores.  There is still almost nothing to do, but at least I don't have to wear a hard hat.

Which brings me to my current concern.  I'm thrilled about the immigration bill's success in the Senate, even though I can't see it ever getting through the House, but I wonder about the promised surge in border patrol.  20,000 more agents!  A longer fence!  How much will this cost?  I thought we were trying to be austere.  When we cut even more money from the federal budget, will these 20,000 additional agents get furloughed?  Imagine the mob scene frantically crossing the Rio Grande during federal furlough days.

I'm afraid, just like my experience at Habitat, all these extra agents will have nothing to do.  In this month's ATLANTIC you will find a nifty little chart entitled "America's Emigration Problem."  This chart goes on to explain that border crossings from Mexico, both legal and illegal, have fallen by 80% since 2000!  Why?  It sure as hell isn't because of increased vigilance.  Since the recession in 2008, Mexico's economy has grown at twice the rate as its neighbor to the north.  In fact, preliminary data show that there are more people moving south across the border than people moving north.

Those poor, bored agents.  While they're standing there shoulder to shoulder on the fenceless stretches of our unprotected border waiting to retire and start collecting PERA benefits, will southern governors come up with make work projects.  Maybe they could clean up some of the tumbleweeds collecting against the fence.  But if they do, I think we should make them wear hard hats.


Anonymous said...

President Starkey! President Starkey! Do you care to comment on the recent Jerome David revelations and Rosenbaum's account of them?
-GM Rampage, White House press corps

Anonymous said...

“OMG- a blog by Mrs. S!!!!!, was my first thought on just finding your blog on Google—now for my more mature response:

Hello, am one of your class of Creative Writing graduates from 1989 and you have been on my mind quite a bit recently as I finish up my Doctorate of Education. Professionally I have been a User Experience (UX) Designer for more than 17-years and for the last eight years I have managed a team of very talented UX Designers based in locations around the world. A few years ago I decided to go back to school for my Doctorate because once my son’s college is paid for, I dream of teaching UX and helping shape the next generation of UX curriculum.

I often get odd looks from my corporate colleagues went I share my plan to leave their world to go teach. More times than not, I find myself often using you as an example of why I want to do it. You are a transformational leader, you inspired me and countless others to go beyond the bounds of what we thought we could do and do more. You inspired me to walk up to DeForest Kelley on a plane to ask for an autograph for you, you inspired me to keep pushing forward with my education and you inspire me each time someone tells me something is impossible—and therefore just HAVE to prove them wrong! Thank the universe for people like you and I hope that I can do you justice as a teacher myself!

Today, I just happened to be working on one of the final reflective writing piece I have left as part of my Doctorial program and I am not sure why exactly I Googled your name, but reading your blog now I am very glad that I did!

Take care and again thank you!
Kimberly D.

jstarkey said...

Anon#1: SLATE can't seem to locate the piece, otherwise I would comment. By the way, which ex-Ram Page is a member of the White House Press Corps?

jstarkey said...

Kim: What a loving comment. For what it's worth, I never aimed at inspiring, just getting kids to read and write and I tried really hard to pay attention to details and listen. I coach teachers at Metro State now. I love them, but struggle (deeply) with the current mindset of districts and legislatures who think education is all about firing ineffective teachers when most of them couldn't manage a classroom for a day. I'm glad I caught this comment (Jim told me about it). Thank you so much.

jstarkey said...

Kim: What a loving comment. For what it's worth, I never aimed at inspiring, just getting kids to read and write and I tried really hard to pay attention to details and listen. I coach teachers at Metro State now. I love them, but struggle (deeply) with the current mindset of districts and legislatures who think education is all about firing ineffective teachers when most of them couldn't manage a classroom for a day. I'm glad I caught this comment (Jim told me about it). Thank you so much.