After my workout, I was sitting in my customary place in the hot tub, sharing it with a nice enough guy who only gets politically loud when he has lots of support. We were peacefully and silently enjoying the water which was at the right temperature for a change, when Dennis, the most bombastic Fox News type of all, comes over and they start yelling things at each other. Luckily, my tinnitis made it impossible to hear their rants and I kept my eyes closed, pretending I was off in another world.
Dennis left and my tub mate looked over and said a few things to which I kind of nodded my head even though I didn't have the slightest idea what he was talking about. But the tub stopped gurgling and I actually heard him say that the economy is doing better and the car bailout has been a huge success. It looks like Obama is going to win. It was an amazing omission for that particular venue. Most surprisingly, there was no discernible mask of despair on his face.
Then I'm out of the shower and I walk into my part of the locker room. As I come around the corner, Bob says "Watch out! His daughter worked for the First Lady."
There are new members in the room and they all look carefully at me. I'm not sure what is written on their faces. I'm so tired of this shit. I like the bombastic guys like Bob, but they wear me down, so Katherine and I have been going in later in the day. It's nicer then.
So I say, "Okay, since Bob brought it up, I'll make one political comment. I'm looking forward to coming in early on the first Wednesday in November so I can just smile and gloat because my president will have won a second term. It'll be a great day for the country."
This comment was not met with the usual howls of derision. One of the new guys even nodded his head in agreement.
This day has gotten off to a good start.
GM is alive and Bin Laden is dead, Romney with his plan to lower taxes on the wealthy and Santorum with his war on reproductive rights look pretty small in comparison. Oh yeah, the DOW went over thirteen hundred again as well.
When someone says "watch out" about you, it's a good idea to hiss at them like a cat. Then you can gain the maximum enjoyment out of the situation, while enforcing the idea that you are a person to be feared.
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